There are two small scale projects which we will continue to explore and develop. Although they will run as separate design processes, it’s possible that they will relate to each other in some way.
During February and March, we ran a series of consultation hui/meetings and a survey which had a good response from the community. From this we have determined that the community’s preference for the two projects are:
Wayfinding Parklets: small areas with signage, seating or other features – The number, scale and locations for these are yet to be determined. We are hoping to source local knowledge on places to site them as well as places of interest, through social media, email and conversations over the coming few weeks. We also hope to find a few more people for the steering committee through this process.
Entranceway to the River Trail: signage, parklet and gateway sculpture – Situated on OARC land at the Swanns Road and River Road gateway. With a defined site we are almost ready to begin the co-design process, although we need a few more people for the steering committee.
This is how you can get involved –
Thanks to Christchurch City Council for their ongoing support of our mahi.